Friday, January 7, 2011

iRenew Energy Bracelet Reviews

The iRenew Energy Bracelet is one of the most misunderstood products to hit the health and well being market in some time. Before you buy the iRenew online or in stores be sure to read reviews.

So the iRenew Energy Ball is probably the hottest As Seen On TV health product to hit the market in a long time but it is really hard to figure out what it is. The advertisements say you just put on this bracelet and you become more healthy.

It is supposed to give you more strength, get rid of stress, help you focus and even help you sleep better. Those are some pretty outlandish claims for any product, let a lone a bracelet. So is there any truth to these claims? I'm going to have to say yes and no at this point. Why I say yes we will get to in a moment, but here is the no part.

In the infomercial subjects are given a series of strength and balance exercises to do without the energy bracelet on. Then they repeat them wearing the iRenew and they see that they perform better. The bracelet might help but these gags have been on the carnival circuit for years and prove nothing. Remember that trick where you try to lift someone sitting in a chair with four people each holding a chair leg? The person is pretty heavy at first, but then after some magic words, a deep breadth and a second try, they are light as a feather.

Well, I don't see any difference between this trick and those on the commercial. To me they are all irrelevant and prove nothing about the effectiveness of the iRenew Energy Bracelet. But this is just my opinion and I could be wrong.

But here is the good news. There is something about this product which leads me to believe it might awesome! They say it is based on Biofield technology. And though I doubt anyone who actually makes or sells this product has any idea what BioField technology actually is, it does happen to be a real field of study.

BioField technology is based on theories first presented by Nikola Tesla in the late 1800's. Tesla believed it was possible to understand and harness the energy of the earth's magnetic field and frequencies. He surmised that he could even figure out a way to provide free electricity for the entire world based on these principles. He was probably right but it would never come to pass due to the profiteers who were making millions in the utilities industries and could not support the idea of giving away free power.

Others even believe the work of Tesla could even lead to, and may have even produced, super weapons based on the destructive consequence of electromagnetic frequencies. Lightening is caused by such events and to some degree tornadoes and hurricanes. Regardless of the validity of these conspiracy theories, the fact remains that there have been, and will continue to be scientists working in this field.

It is well known that the human body resonates at certain frequencies and finding ways to maintain our optimum frequency within our own bodies and also in relation to the frequencies in our surrounding environments, it seems plausible that we could achieve better health.

Even within our own cells there are constant clashes between positive and negative energy in the form of positrons, electrons and neutrons. Each interaction yields some type of byproduct and the energy bracelets we see currently advertised may help control some of the side effects. We are always hearing about ridding the body of free radicals and this is an idea very similar to that.

Does the iRenew Energy Bracelet make you healthier? Who really knows but it would be worth a try if it did. They look rather cool and a lot of people are buying them so we might as well embrace this new health fad and try to resonate on a better frequency.

Phats have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for energy bracelets and great passion and knowledge for pure energy bracelets and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here